The Key To More Authentic Confidence

The Key To More Authentic Confidence

There was a time in my life when I would see someone who looked amazing and "put together" and I assumed they were confident too. I mean, how could they not be, looking like they do?!

Then I learned that confidence -AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE- is something completely different than “looking confident” or “coming off confident.”

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10 things you never thought you could do. Here are mine.

10 things you never thought you could do. Here are mine.

When you are pushing against your own comfort zone, want to expand, and see new opportunities (or just gain a little confidence), it’s a good idea to do a bit of reflecting to see when and where you have surprised yourself in the past. Trust me, we all have!

Especially in times of growth and expansion into unknown territory, it’s easy to get caught up in self-limiting and doubtful inner dialogue. 

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How to believe in yourself: 3 areas you need to look into

How to believe in yourself: 3 areas you need to look into

A few weeks ago I got an email from a woman who wrote “I want to walk in the true ME. I want to love freely and give freely in all that I am so I can help others and actually enjoy my life. The problem is that I know I am able but I can’t seem to believe enough in myself to really go out there and achieve it.”

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10 Things Highly Charismatic People Have In Common

10 Things Highly Charismatic People Have In Common

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you meet someone new who you find insanely attractive but as soon as you get to know their personality, their attractiveness fades? Alternatively, have you ever met someone who you weren’t initially super attracted to, but as soon as you start chatting, you feel some excitement in your belly?

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Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

I have had something special up my sleeve for a while now and I am just OVER THE MOON EXCITED to finally tell you about it today: My first group coaching program is opening it’s doors for YOU today!

It’s called The Busy Girl’s 6-Week Plan To Balance And Fulfillment and I’d love it if you want take a few minutes to check it out and see if this is something that calls your name.

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Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Last night I was talking to one of my best girlfriends from CA. She just moved in with her boyfriend and is about to celebrate their 1-year anniversary. We were reminiscing about the time when we were both single and felt like finding the right guy was pretty much impossible. It seems like ages ago but really it's only about 4-5 years back. Between the two of us we could probably entertain a crowd for a whole evening of just telling our various experiences and pitfalls on the dates we had. Oh my...

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Do you need to get out of your job, but feel paralyzed? Read this + resource if you want to be a life coach!

What I have noticed in my community (yep- that includes YOU!) is that most of you are natural givers and care-takers. Pretty much every single person I have talked to from my list has a huge heart, a craving for learning and creativity, and -very important!- a deep desire to be independent and free.

I totally get it, because I am in those exact same shoes. I love giving to others and feeling connection. I want to live in the expression of my creativity. I want to (in fact, need to!) feel independent and free in order to function at all -not to mention, at my best.

The sad reality of it is, however, that so many of you are struggling with your careers, hating the very place you schlepp yourself to every day, and in the midst of that frustration totally lose sight of the person you are and want to be.

At the beginning you still have hope that things will become better, but then you realize that you have been following a totally wrong track for “too long” and that your passion is really somewhere completely different. But you feel guilty, shameful, and anxious about starting over, so you wonder:

Is it too late?

Would they even want someone like me?

What if I fail and embarrass myself?

yadi yadi yada….

Here is what happens on an unconscious level: When we feel like sh*t over a long time period, we cannot see our own brilliance.

It’s a total downward spiral because we move further and further away from being in touch with our own strengths, passions, and desires. Worse yet, we begin to believe the stories we tell ourselves about how god-awful our lives are and how stuck, old, or inexperienced we are. We see no way out. It seems impossible.

Once we are in this place of total pessimism, it’s really hard to work yourself out of it, change your beliefs, and begin to see opportunity again. (Seeing opportunity, by the way, has nothing to do with being lucky and everything to do with the right mindset.)

If you don’t see opportunity, you cannot create opportunity, so you cannot make positive changes.

While this all sounds harsh and direct, I want you to know that I am writing this with the utmost compassion, because I know what that feels like to the T.

In order to help you out of that sucky soup, I want to propose 3 questions for you to ask yourself (or even better discuss them with someone out loud) to begin loosening up, creating space, and reframing your mindset.

The answers and solutions to the (re-)formation of your life don’t come from the outside. Rather they are within you. So let’s start looking.


Ask yourself:

1) In what kinds of environments do I feel my best and why?

This question is geared at making you focus on what you DO like (instead of on what you DON’T like). Your environment matters enormously because you -your body, your mind, your spirit- live in the context of your surroundings and the outer world. Especially if you identify with being a natural giver and care-taker, you are highly sensitive to what’s around you. Ask yourself in what kind of outer world your personal organism works at its best.


2) What am I exceptionally good at that I do even when nobody asks me to?

This is a tough question, I know! To help you along, you can try asking yourself: What do my friends appreciate me for most? How am I different? Perhaps even ask 10 of your friends and family members to tell you their perspective on your top 3 qualities. Answer it honestly and without thinking about what you should be good at. Think about the things you did before you worried about money or when you were a kid.


3) How can I start spending more time doing what I love right now?

Oftentimes we get stuck waiting for these huge AHA-moments or once in a life-time opportunities to come our way before we start doing what we love. As if we can only write, connect with people, decorate etc. if we get paid for it. As if we can only get into organizing fun events if we work at a glossy PR firm...

Especially if you want to get into creative work -let’s say writing- don’t wait for the perfect job to come out of nowhere, but start doing what you love right now. That’s how you actively invite opportunity into your life. Listen to yourself: if you don’t actually feel like writing without making money with it at the same time, a financially and personally satisfying career in that field is probably not your thing anyway (it’s likely just an escape from the dreary reality of your current job). Sorry to break that to you. Go back to question 1 and 2 to get to know yourself a bit more deeply.

I'd love to hear from you! In the comments below, let me know what kind of environments you enjoy and what you are good at that you are not utilizing. Sharing these things is a great way for you to make them more real.


Lastly & importantly: a lot of you have been asking me about life coaching, how I got started in it and how you could become a life coach as well. That’s why I want to introduce you to my friend, Jeannine Yoder.

Jeannine 2.png

Jeannine and I met on a retreat in Sonoma, CA last year and then again on a recent all girls trip to Vermont. Jeannine is amazing, super savvy & sweet and probably one of the funniest people I know :) Jeannine is also known as the coaches’ coach, because she is the creator of Mentor Masterclass, a one-stop-shop for new coaches to learn the intuitive skills, in-the-know life coaching techniques and business strategies they need to step into their life’s calling and to build their own business.

If you have ever thought about becoming a coach but didn’t know where to start, or crave a community where you can be supported, seen and and heard as you begin your life coaching business, then I highly recommend you check out Jeannine's Mentor Masterclass.

I have been picking Jeannine’s brain myself and honestly couldn’t be more impressed with her, her style, and her approach to teaching which is totally entertaining and full of zest for life as it is top notch quality coaching. Check it out for yourself here.

With love as always, 


Why losing weight is so hard & what will make it easier (time-sensitive)

Why losing weight is so hard & what will make it easier (time-sensitive)

Let’s be honest, most of us have at one point or another thought about our weight, wished that our thighs were slimmer, our butt a bit tighter and our abs a little flatter. OH MY! I have been there and know that looking at your body and feeling upset, embarrassed, or trapped is neither fun nor nurturing for any area of your life (your romantic life in particular).

I started to wonder why losing weight is soooo hard (and I am not talking about dropping 10 pounds quickly, I am talking about lasting results). It seemingly is what so many of us want, what so many of us spend tons and tons of money on, what so many of us wish we finally had control over. If so much energy, time, and money go to into this, why is it still so difficult?

Here is what I came to find out: Because we...

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This question threw me off (I was really surprised it did!)

I spent last week with 20 amazing women, who are also in the entrepreneurial world, in a beautiful house in Vermont. We cooked amazing meals together, exchanged our life stories, shared our dreams for 2014, worked away on our computers to keep the juices in our individual businesses running smoothly, went on walks through the snow, skied, and had a totally goofy talent show (way to step out of my comfort zone). It was amazing and inspiring to be surrounded by women who are also pouring their time, energy, money, and trust into creating their soul’s work.


I believe that surrounding yourself with people who share your vision, inspire new ideas, and motivate you through the challenges that seem toughest is the very first -and most powerful- step in actively creating a life you love. It’s even greater if

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Read this if you want to re-invent yourself this year!

Read this if you want to re-invent yourself this year!

I love the word re-invention. It gets me all giddy and excited, because it means that you are actively working on becoming more YOU. 

Over the holidays, my family likes to reminisce a bit about our old times and that includes the different funny (& sometimes strange :)) phases my brothers and I went through. For example, I went through what my family calls  "Caroline's punk phase": I dyed my hair black and wore enormous black "tractor" shoes. Thinking about my life so far, I can clearly see that I have tried on many different personas because I was eagerly searching for myself. I was trying to find out who I was, what fit and where I felt at home. 

This is an extremely important part of life and I believe that "finding oneself" never ends.

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5 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before The New Year [+ free holiday food guide

5 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before The New Year [+ free holiday food guide

Many of my clients come to me because they want to live a more conscious life. They want to be aware of their actions, thoughts, and feelings. They want to experience the beautiful parts of life more intensely and more joyfully and they want to know how they can manage and improve the not so fun parts.  

Personally, I think that this -the search for who you really are- is one of the most important quests anyone can go on. It elevates your existence. It makes you feel more alive. It changes everything. Literally. Your career, how you take care of your body, the way you invite love into your life, and the relationship you have with yourself.

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Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Hi Love,

A few weeks ago I asked for your help to identify your biggest struggles and your greatest desires.

For the latter question an overwhelming number of you responded with saying that you want to feel free, satisfied, alive, successful for simply being YOU, optimistic, happy, complete, connected, appreciated, loved, unburdened, peaceful...

As your responses were still flooding into my inbox, I took a walk and reflected on the underlying message of these desired feelings. I kept being struck by this sense that so many of us are living in fear that somehow there isn’t enough…enough time, love, money, good men, success stories, great jobs… we are deeply afraid that WE aren’t enough.

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The Power of Experiences (includes holiday special + pics from Hawaii :))

The Power of Experiences (includes holiday special + pics from Hawaii :))


Today I am writing to you from Maui. I am here with my whole family and we are having a blast playing and relaxing together.

However, the truth is that I wasn’t always as relaxed, easy-going, and lighthearted as I am today. There was a time in my life when I was constantly stressed out, worried, and on edge. The pure thought of running around at the beach in a bikini gave me anxiety, the idea of couples lounging at the beach together only made me more aware of my own lack of love in my life, and the whole idea of taking time off when I should be productive and furthering my career made me feel guilty and useless beyond measure.

So what changed me and the way I live my life today?

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Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

First of all, I want to express my most sincere GRATITUDE to all of you who responded to my email last week that asked you to share your biggest struggles and most desired solutions with me. It was beyond humbling and touching for me to receive so many responses that were filled with your authentic stories. I am so honored and grateful. Thank you!

In today’s blogpost, I want to share my November Find Your Voice Interview in which I am talking with Laugh Yourself Skinny Founder Jessica Porcini.

Personally, I have gone through years of dieting, banning certain foods while glorifying others, sneak-eating in the middle of the night because I had been trying to be “good” all day, and worst of all feeling unattractive, not thin enough, and helpless in my own body.

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