Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

I have had something special up my sleeve for a while now and I am just OVER THE MOON EXCITED to finally tell you about it today: My first group coaching program is opening it’s doors for YOU today!

It’s called The Busy Girl’s 6-Week Plan To Balance And Fulfillment and I’d love it if you want take a few minutes to check it out and see if this is something that calls your name.

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Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Last night I was talking to one of my best girlfriends from CA. She just moved in with her boyfriend and is about to celebrate their 1-year anniversary. We were reminiscing about the time when we were both single and felt like finding the right guy was pretty much impossible. It seems like ages ago but really it's only about 4-5 years back. Between the two of us we could probably entertain a crowd for a whole evening of just telling our various experiences and pitfalls on the dates we had. Oh my...

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How my money anxiety kept me stuck in unworthiness (and led me to spending more!)

How my money anxiety kept me stuck in unworthiness (and led me to spending more!)

Our relationship with money is as complex (if not more!)  than our romantic, family, or even food relationships, but they all boil down to the relationship we have with our Self… Think: How worthy you think you are? How deserving? How beautiful? How creative? How lovable?

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