*Note: Course materials will start to be sent to you on the Monday following your sign-up. 



Hi, busy girl!

I am so happy you are here! I invite you to read this page carefully and from a heart space... I know, I know.... busy girls are used to navigating their life and decisions from a head space... with reason, rationale, determination, and willpower.

Trust me, I know. But I also know that that gets exhausting and that you are likely here because you are craving things like creativity, ease, clarity, romance, and lightness in your life... not more rules, restrictions, and limitations.

I get it. I used to be exactly where you are today and I want you to know that there is a way to do things differently. Balance and true fulfillment is possible for you, love.




SO, pull up a chair, get comfy, and imagine....  

Imagine two young women. They had a very similar upbringing, as well as a comparable education and opportunities.

They both had big dreams for what they wanted their lives to look like:

  • a career that felt both exciting and meaningful

  • a handsome and intelligent partner who was as loving as he was sincere

  • a desire to simply feel happy and proud in their own skin, in their own bodies

Even though these two women shared similarities in their foundation as well as in their dreams for the future, their realities looked quite different.

One of them was working at a successful job with lots of creative freedom and the luxury to schedule her own time. She was also engaged to a man who was as crazy about her as she was for him. They still embraced and kissed each other at random moments during the day and you could see their fire for each other in their eyes. And, even though she wasn’t born with the "perfect" body, she had found a way to feel good and beautiful in her own skin. As simple as it sounds, she just liked who she was.

The second woman, on the other hand, made decent money, but dreaded going to her job. She felt suffocated and burdened by her work. After dating around for a number of years without any lasting romance that just felt right, she wasn’t quite sure she believed in love anymore. Not quite happy overall, the thing that brought her down the most was her negative inner dialogue. The constant self-doubt and negativity in her own head was as frustrating as it was painful. She felt like she was stuck in a hole and didn’t know how to get herself out.



What’s the key difference between these two women?


If we cannot chalk it up to pure luck, a difference in upbringing, talent or ambition, then what is it?

The difference lies in:

1. having clarity about who you are and what you desire

2. having a loving, encouraging and positive relationship with yourself first and foremost

3. the courage to go for opportunities that are in line with the life you want to live

You see, the difference between these two women is that one of them not only had dreams, she also had the positivity, inspiration, and motivation to make her dreams a reality. She knew herself and wasn’t afraid to be seen. She believed in herself enough to not give a sh*t about what others thought about her. 

She could dare to fail without risking becoming a failure.

Her inner world wasn’t consumed by paralyzing self-doubt and negative self-talk -and so she was free to show up as herself and invite authentic success and happiness into her life.

Sure, she wasn’t perfect, either, and of course, she had the occasional down day. But generally her world wasn’t compartmentalized into black and white, good or bad. That’s what allowed her to bounce back quickly, recover her positivity, and navigate her decisions with a sense of ease and lightness. She liked herself.

What I want you to know is that the power to make a big change in your life is within you. The life you are craving is truly possible for you -- if you are willing to pursue it. 


This program is designed to get you there.


Now I know the real me!

“I thought I should do a lot of different things, but the one thing I never gave much thought was how to be me. The real me. The writer me. The marathon runner me. The authenticfull of lifecreativecourageous me. The girl who wasn’t scared to take chances. The woman I was born to be. She was here the whole time, this woman, but I had no idea how to access her. Luckily for me, Caroline did.”

- Flavia, SF, Writer


I feel this surge of power that I can take on whatever I want.

"I came into the course feeling very lost, alone and overwhelmed. Limited beliefs and negative self-talk had taken over and I was at a very low point. At the beginning of the course, I had a major breakthrough when I realized how much my own limiting beliefs were actually holding me back and I now know that self-love and boundaries are essential to a great life, not selfish. I have noticed so many changes and so have the people around me. In general, I feel lighter, happier and more peaceful. My confidence has gone up, I'm excelling at work and I am genuinely enjoying my life again. I feel this surge of power that I can take on whatever I want. I've become a better friend and daughter. I make time for myself to stop, enjoy and appreciate life and it's making all the difference."

~Katie, CA, Fitness Trainer

About The Busy Girl’s 6 Week Plan To Balance And Fulfillment 


The Busy Girl’s 6-Week Plan To Balance And Fulfillment will take you back to the basics. The plan will take a loving approach to help you take charge of your life from the inside out.

Tis course is designed to help you return to yourself and step into your authenticity simply because that is where your real power lives and your uniqueness thrives.

Every week we are going to explore YOU in a little bit more detail. You are the center of your own attention, love, and focus at all times. It will be all about YOU (not in a selfish or gross way, but in a curious, caring, and genuine way because yes, you are important and yes, you deserve this kind of attention and love!).

Knowing yourself is the most fundamental self-care principle there is, because it opens up the gates to authentic self-love.


What this program is NOT about:

  • It is not a quick fix program that promises that you will never face challenges, problems, or even worries again in your life; that would be totally unrealistic and simply untrue. 
  • You will NOT find a list of rules, restrictions, ways to increase stringent will-power or force in your life. Those are not pleasurable or sustainable.
  • This course is not a magic pill that requires you to do no work and just stay passive.
  • I will not ask you any superficial questions that you can read in any good old magazine.
  • You will not do any wishy-washy exercises that make you feel good for a day, but ultimately just waste your time.


What this program IS about:

  • This course is about transformation. As a coach and a woman I believe that transformation is in our own hands and I want to teach you how to access it. 
  • Together we will invite a more gentle, positive, free, and feminine approach to seeing yourself and living your life.
  • I will guide you through completely new exercises, questions and fun mini challenges that you have never done before.
  • You will discover who you are from a completely new perspective that will make it possible and easy to love yourself and feel proud in your own skin. 
  • This program is geared at helping you find your purpose from the inside out (ignore external expectations and societal should's)
  • You will learn the key tools that I have used for years to align your life with your true desires, too. 

I’m really happy!


“I learned that so much of who I thought I was were just patterns that I saw and practiced my entire life (such as worrying)... I was also able to experience making a scary change and seeing that it worked out allows me to trust my own decisions and not be so scared of everything. I feel like my quality of life changed. Most of all, I FEEL different. I feel more like I always wanted to feel but never actually did.  Im actually really happy! I can handle difficult situations with more confidence, patience, and love than before. I am much nicer to myself (in my head). I believe in miracles which I forgot to do for a few years!”

- Orly, LA, Director



*Note: Although, new material is released on a weekly basis, all the material will be available to you for months to come, so no worries about rushing through anything (or going on vacation for a week:)). Everything I share is recorded and will be waiting for you when you are ready.

Week 1: Creating a loving foundation 

  • setting intentions, releasing limiting self-beliefs, gaining positivity   
  • understanding your psychological stages of development (how you became who you are today)
  • expert interview with Anna Goldstein on "Turning Fear Into Faith Through Confidence"


Week 2: Understanding your past & releasing old patterns 

  • self-esteem and how yours was influenced by family dynamics and early experiences
  • recognizing your patterns and releasing the ones that don't serve you
  • expert interview with Dr. Tracy Thomas on "Uncovering The Essence Of Who You Are"


Week 3: What you need to succeed 

  • the intricate link between happiness and success + what that means for you
  • breaking free of perfectionism, vulnerability and finding your personal sweet spot
  • expert interview with Jennifer Racioppi on "Becoming The Leader Of Your Life"


Week 4: Stress, Anxiety, & Boundaries 

  • how stress and anxiety affect your body and mind + how to release them for good 
  • creating personal boundaries and adjusting your self-care so you can flourish and shine 
  • expert interview with Emily Fletcher on "Meditation For Better Performance"


Week 5: Manifestation, Playfulness, and how to use Food for Optimal Happiness 

  • using the magic of manifestation and unveiling your true desires 
  • simple steps to blood sugar balancing and how your diet affects your mind and body (including your metabolism and fertility)
  • expert interview with Jeannine Yoder on "Creating The Life You Love One Manifestation At A Time"


Week 6: Goal Setting, Intuition, Productivity & Celebration 

  • a feminine and gentle approach to setting goals and taking authentic action
  • the importance of celebration and how to live a life in gratitude and pleasure
  • expert interview with Alison Leipzig on "Living In Your Purpose"


SO many profound understandings of who I am.

"OMG sessions 2. HUGE!!!! I just listened. So many realizations just in the listening without even doing the exercises yet. SO many profound understandings of who I am and how/ why I am here and working on what I am. THANK YOU!" 

- Felicity, New Zealand

This course really reinforces how to surf through the ups and downs.

"I now believe that life has great love and adventure in store for me. The biggest shift happened in my thinking: "my life wants to be good on its own" - that has stuck with me. I say it every single day. Everything I need shows up. And when things happen that are frustrating or not what I want, it's moving me in a divine direction. This course really reinforces how to surf through the ups and downs.

The top 3 most important take-aways were: 1. Caroline really taught me how to get in touch with my strengths and use them to get what I want. 2. Balance – Caroline’s exercises really crystalized for me what kind of balance I need between work, play, love, and health. 3. WIP - I just love how the course tells us we are ALL works in progress. At the end of 6 weeks, was I more aware? Did I have more tools to tackle things? Absolutely. But this is a journey. That takes the pressure off and is actually more realistic."

- Sapna, NY, Marketing


What you will get?

  • 1 video lesson per week in which I guide you through that week’s topic and exercises (you'll be able to listen to these on your own time, as often as you want) 
  • Weekly exercises & profound worksheets to help you dive deeper into each topic and get to know (& love) your truest self

  • Weekly interviews with experts (see the line-up of women below)

  • Tons of fun bonus materials

  • Unconditional love, kindness, and encouragement every step of the way



Meet our guest experts



    Dates & Time

    This course is currently offered as a self-study course, so you can join us right now and get started on your personal transformation and finally invite more joy, health, love and -of course- balance and fulfillment into your life.

    Where: Anywhere, Online, in your home, on your couch with your favorite cup of tea


    Say YES to yourself.


    *Note: All course materials will be sent to you on the Monday following your sign-up. 


    What others have said


    I feel more trusting that I'm progressing and happier overall. 

    "I signed up for this course to get a fresh perspective on how to bring more joy into my life. Before the course I think the voice of fear was louder. For me love and work were my focus and I feel more trusting that I'm progressing and happier overall. One of the most valuable aspects of the course was that Caroline is such a speedy responder to any question and that held me accountable. A few ideas that I hope will stick with me are: everyone is a work in progress, rejection is a normal part of life and not shameful, vulnerability can be uncomfortable but it's necessary. I actually put some notes into my note pad on my phone so I literally carry reminders with me."

    -Sara, Accountant, NY


    The way I talk to myself is way better than it used to be.

    "I feel as if I have been given more permission to think about my life 'in the round' -meaning that I want life to feel and be gentle and calm and full of true growth and love. I felt that Caroline's course embodied that and helped me determine how I want to develop myself. I still have some days of doubt of course, but I know that my doubts are ebbing away and the way I talk to myself is way better than it used to be."

    - Jocelyn, England

    I have learned a tremendous amount from this course. 

    "One of my key take-aways was that how we experience the world is not a product of external events happening to us. It is experienced through the filter of your mind - how you value yourself, how you value others, how much of yourself you share with others, and most importantly, how well you know yourself -your wants and needs that have roots far below the surface. That is powerful - to realize that the meaning and joy we so desperately seek DOES NOT lie in changing our circumstances or events around us, but in changing within. Making those changes within then gives clarity to know what really does need changing in your environment and the courage to do it."

    - Liz, Oklahoma

    I have clear goals and know how to create my ideal life!

    Keely Henry.jpg

    “Most importantly, Caroline has helped me gain the self-confidence to clearly speak of the work I do. I learned how to clarify goals and get in touch with the positive side of searching for what it is that I desire in order to live my ideal life. Caroline’s feminine spirit inspired me to connect with what femininity means to me and how I choose to share it with the world.”

    - Keely, FL, Health Coach


    I can manifest wondrous change even in my mid-40's!


    "Caroline is clear about her objectives and I enjoyed the presentations, her positivity and hearing her voice every week. I have realized so many positive things (or rather re-realized) about myself and look forward to implementing these new tools. It feels great to know and believe that anything and everything is possible. I can manifest wondrous change even in my mid-40's! (or when I hit 50 or when I'm 64, etc.)" 

    - Cindy, Canada, Trainer


    I no longer feel out of control


    "Caroline understands and respects how mind, body and soul need to work together. I no longer feel out of control. I know what I want to accomplish is completely possible with proper planning and help from the right people. Getting organized on what I need to do to move forward has been priceless."

    -Tiffani, Owner & Founder Wardrobe Consulting Firm/ Brooklyn, NY





    What will I need for this program?

    • An email address to receive access codes for each session's materials
    • A computer & some private space where you can access each session's videos, exercises, & information
    • Roughly 2 hours each week (doesn't have to be all at once) to go through each module
    • An open mind & heart and the willingness to look at your own life in a new light


    What if I have to miss a week - or two or three - during the program?

    No worries, love. We all have stuff that comes up. The program will be available to you for weeks after you sign up, so you can really go at your own pace, re-visit information from weeks prior and navigate at your own speed. It's all designed to meet you where you are.


    Will I benefit from this program even if I am not dissatisfied in ALL areas of my life?

    Absolutely! We are all unique and have different areas we'd like to work on. Some of you might want to change things around in your career while others might be aching for love and better communication. And some of you might just be interested in really getting to know yourselves and learning how to handle your lives in a way that will leave you happy, light, and confident. If you want to create greater balance and more fulfillment in any area of your life, this is the program for you.


    Is it a good idea to do this program with a friend?

    Great question. The answer is that having a friend throughout this program is an amazing idea, because you can help hold each other accountable and move through the sessions together. The only thing I would urge you to do is to make sure is that you really trust that person. We are going into some deep stuff during the program, so you want to make sure that there is nothing holding you back from being vulnerable and 100% yourself.  


    Will Caroline's German accent be too strong for me to understand anything?

    Haha... very funny. While Caroline still has a bit of an accent, you will have no problems understanding her. She will also not force you to wear Lederhosen or eat Pretzels during the program. Promise ;)


    Got any other questions?

    Email caroline@carolinezwick.com.



    We want you to win. And, if after completing this course, you didn’t get huge benefit from it, we will issue a full refund within seven days of course completion. No refunds after seven days. All that we ask is this: You approach this program as your best self --professional, dedicated, and committed to learning and improving yourself. We want you to fully commit and not give up on yourself or this program. Please note that a refund will only be issued once you complete the course, watch all lectures, do ALL the exercises, are engaged with the group, and are genuinely interested in creating a balanced and fulfilled life for yourself. We want you to do the full program. You must complete the program before determining it is not working for you – and if after you complete the course and don’t get benefit – and you have engaged with us around this concern from the moment it arises and we have done our very best to guide you, then we’ll issue you a full refund.