10 Things Highly Charismatic People Have In Common

10 Things Highly Charismatic People Have In Common

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you meet someone new who you find insanely attractive but as soon as you get to know their personality, their attractiveness fades? Alternatively, have you ever met someone who you weren’t initially super attracted to, but as soon as you start chatting, you feel some excitement in your belly?

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Are you learning the lessons from your past life chapters? It’s never too late. Start now.

I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day and if you are a mommy yourself, happy Mother’s Day to you. You rock <3 I spent last weekend in North Carolina for my brother’s graduation from his MBA program (I’m such a proud older sis, it’s unbelievable:)), so I got to spend some time with my family, including my mom, dad, and aunt who flew in from Europe to celebrate my brother. It was really sweet and fun!

On my flight back to NYC, I began thinking about life chapters: graduations, marriages, career shifts, break-ups, moves, spiritual milestones… the list is really endless. 

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The art of ZOOMING OUT. Releasing stress & anxiety with this simple visualization

The art of ZOOMING OUT. Releasing stress & anxiety with this simple visualization

I consider myself being pretty good about taking good care of myself and managing my stress levels in a way that leaves me feeling energized and happy at the end of the day. However, I am no genius either and sometimes I do get sucked into these vicious cycles of rushing-hustling-worrying-stressing-shallow breathing-tensing up messiness that feels good to absolutely nobody.

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I learned something about STRESS that I really want you to know about

Ohhh STRESS… I don’t think anyone can doubt that stress is one of those key areas in our lives that needs serious addressing.

We tell ourselves that it’s only this week, this event, this project, this time of year… but once that’s over, we will be able to relax… except that then something else pops up.

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Wish you had a happy(ier) belly?

Wish you had a happy(ier) belly?

I think it's safe to say that pretty much everyone desires a happy, smooth, and functioning belly. Let's be honest, struggling with things like constipationbloating, or diarrhea is not joyful for anyone. In addition, having a malfunctioning digestive system creates energy lags, skin problems, and brain fog that stop you from being productive and in love with your life.

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My 3 favorite ways to stay in a calm & happy mindset every day

My 3 favorite ways to stay in a calm & happy mindset every day

How is this week going for ya? Can you feel that spring is in the air? You probably know this already, but in case you don’t, I live in Brooklyn, NY and we are finally having our first few nice-ish days. I can finally sense a bit of spring in the air and it honestly makes my little heart jump up and down of joy and excitement. I love spring so much. Nature is waking up again and I totally feel like my body, my senses, my ideas are all blooming too. It feels wonderful.

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The Truth About Success.

The Truth About Success.

When I was starting my life coaching business in 2012, I thought I was going to create a website, press ‘live’ and people would just come and find me, because now I had a presence on the internet.

Ohhh boy, was I wrong.

Fast-forward 1.5 years to today and I have a much clearer idea for how the creation of success actually goes down -though, by no means, do I know it all. I am still actively learning every day, every moment. I’m still expanding in my ideas and ideals. I’m still dreaming, growing, working, realizing, emerging, failing, and getting up again. And yes, sometimes I still feel like crying because technology and printers can be stubborn suckers.

I have realized however that it will always be like that. The second I stop evolving, my daily work won’t be my soul’s work anymore.

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This question threw me off (I was really surprised it did!)

I spent last week with 20 amazing women, who are also in the entrepreneurial world, in a beautiful house in Vermont. We cooked amazing meals together, exchanged our life stories, shared our dreams for 2014, worked away on our computers to keep the juices in our individual businesses running smoothly, went on walks through the snow, skied, and had a totally goofy talent show (way to step out of my comfort zone). It was amazing and inspiring to be surrounded by women who are also pouring their time, energy, money, and trust into creating their soul’s work.


I believe that surrounding yourself with people who share your vision, inspire new ideas, and motivate you through the challenges that seem toughest is the very first -and most powerful- step in actively creating a life you love. It’s even greater if

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Last minute holiday tip & why YOU are a fierce loving warrior!

Hello loves,

In the midst of all the holiday madness, I want to write you a quick note for 2 reasons:

First, I want to say a sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU.

During the holidays, I always go into a deep state of reflection and contemplation about my life. This year in particular, I am struck by how much has changed, how much has grown then proven useless, re-shaped, twisted and curled, flourished, deepened and then blossomed into something unexpected and subsequently, often (though not always!) morphed into something even more beautiful and grander than I dared to imagine.

2013 has been a huge year of learning

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Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Hi Love,

A few weeks ago I asked for your help to identify your biggest struggles and your greatest desires.

For the latter question an overwhelming number of you responded with saying that you want to feel free, satisfied, alive, successful for simply being YOU, optimistic, happy, complete, connected, appreciated, loved, unburdened, peaceful...

As your responses were still flooding into my inbox, I took a walk and reflected on the underlying message of these desired feelings. I kept being struck by this sense that so many of us are living in fear that somehow there isn’t enough…enough time, love, money, good men, success stories, great jobs… we are deeply afraid that WE aren’t enough.

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Do you like your own body? 3 powerful ways to feel more beautiful.

Do you like your own body? 3 powerful ways to feel more beautiful.

I remember being a little girl standing on a stool in my mom’s bathroom and looking at my own reflection in the mirror. All I could see were ENORMOUS shoulders, so I asked my mom in my sweet little girl voice if I could get parts of them “hacked off” when I got older. Silly as it sounds, I was serious. I thought I needed them to be smaller.

This is the first memory I have of disliking my body and expressing the need to find some way to solve its “unpretty” parts. Clearly I wasn’t shying away from violent thoughts to “fix my body.” As I got older my body complaints and insecurities only grew both in number and urgency. It seemed like I had a special eye that would pick out everything that was possibly wrong and ignored everything that was right.

What’s your first memory of disliking your body? How old were you? Which part of your body did you attack and wanted to fix?

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Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

First of all, I want to express my most sincere GRATITUDE to all of you who responded to my email last week that asked you to share your biggest struggles and most desired solutions with me. It was beyond humbling and touching for me to receive so many responses that were filled with your authentic stories. I am so honored and grateful. Thank you!

In today’s blogpost, I want to share my November Find Your Voice Interview in which I am talking with Laugh Yourself Skinny Founder Jessica Porcini.

Personally, I have gone through years of dieting, banning certain foods while glorifying others, sneak-eating in the middle of the night because I had been trying to be “good” all day, and worst of all feeling unattractive, not thin enough, and helpless in my own body.

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