The Key To More Authentic Confidence

The Key To More Authentic Confidence

There was a time in my life when I would see someone who looked amazing and "put together" and I assumed they were confident too. I mean, how could they not be, looking like they do?!

Then I learned that confidence -AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE- is something completely different than “looking confident” or “coming off confident.”

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How to be the strong kind of "feminine"

How to be the strong kind of "feminine"

One of the questions I ask my female clients is how they feel about their femininity. When I came up with that question (which is part of our initial VIP session) I had no idea what kind of confusion and split reactions I would cause.

Now, I am not one to intentionally stir a big fire, but this question is a really important one.

Here is what happens next: 99.9% say “What do you mean by femininity?”

And I get it. When we think of “femininity,” our minds flood with thousands of conflicting images that have been created by our

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What if you never reach your dream goal? Read this if you are worried.

What if you never reach your dream goal? Read this if you are worried.

I have noticed something in the last few week: people are walking around with two very different vibes right now. There are the ones who are totally energized and jazzed about taking 2014 by storm and then there are those who want to feel the New Year optimism and excitement, but somehow they just feel exhausted, overwhelmed and not in the flow of things.  

The main fear I hear about when it comes to resolutions and goals is fear around failing, not getting what we really want in life, fear of shooting too high and being left disappointed, fear of being seen as a failure by others and therefore, being alone, unloved, unaccomplished, poor, and left behind.

These fears paralyze us and make us retract … sometimes they make us retract far far far back … like back into our PJs+Couch+Bowl of ice-cream far back. Or simply back into our own quiet shell where it’s safe and warm but also kind of tight, suffocating, and boring.

I know what it’s like to feel paralyzed by fear.

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This question threw me off (I was really surprised it did!)

I spent last week with 20 amazing women, who are also in the entrepreneurial world, in a beautiful house in Vermont. We cooked amazing meals together, exchanged our life stories, shared our dreams for 2014, worked away on our computers to keep the juices in our individual businesses running smoothly, went on walks through the snow, skied, and had a totally goofy talent show (way to step out of my comfort zone). It was amazing and inspiring to be surrounded by women who are also pouring their time, energy, money, and trust into creating their soul’s work.


I believe that surrounding yourself with people who share your vision, inspire new ideas, and motivate you through the challenges that seem toughest is the very first -and most powerful- step in actively creating a life you love. It’s even greater if

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Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Hi beauty,

I have a confession to make: I totally listen to other peoples’ conversations… on the subway, in a restaurant, on the street… you name it. I don’t do it intentionally. It just happens. I am interested in people, love interpreting body language, and yes, listen to what’s going on in their lives. Hence, my job as a coach.

A couple of days ago, I was on the subway and overheard two girls aged between 27-30 talking about how unhappy they were at their jobs. They talked about cattiness in their office and the fact that they feel totally under-appreciated. Then something interesting happened: They switched to talking about how they wished their lives were different: spend more time outside, make more money, not be stuck behind a computer all day long and so forth. Then they ended the conversation with “I just don’t know what to do.”

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