I have noticed something in the last few week: people are walking around with two very different vibes right now. There are the ones who are totally energized and jazzed about taking 2014 by storm and then there are those who want to feel the New Year optimism and excitement, but somehow they just feel exhausted, overwhelmed and not in the flow of things.
The main fear I hear about when it comes to resolutions and goals is fear around failing, not getting what we really want in life, fear of shooting too high and being left disappointed, fear of being seen as a failure by others and therefore, being alone, unloved, unaccomplished, poor, and left behind.
These fears paralyze us and make us retract … sometimes they make us retract far far far back … like back into our PJs+Couch+Bowl of ice-cream far back. Or simply back into our own quiet shell where it’s safe and warm but also kind of tight, suffocating, and boring.
I know what it’s like to feel paralyzed by fear.
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