Guestpost: Good Mood Foods by Jessica Cording

Guestpost: Good Mood Foods by Jessica Cording

Personally (& I know many of you feel similarly), I have tried out a lot of different diets, "miracle cures" etc. in my life already. I just wanted to believe in them so badly that my filter for what made sense and what was totally ridiculous was somehow off. I remember a time in my early-mid 20s when I was obsessed with trying to lose weight and as a result ate only very specific -dare I say sugar-free, non-fat, fake crap- foods. The result was not only more pounds on the scale, but worse: tons of anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, and so forth. Sound familiar to anyone?

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Read this if you want to re-invent yourself this year!

Read this if you want to re-invent yourself this year!

I love the word re-invention. It gets me all giddy and excited, because it means that you are actively working on becoming more YOU. 

Over the holidays, my family likes to reminisce a bit about our old times and that includes the different funny (& sometimes strange :)) phases my brothers and I went through. For example, I went through what my family calls  "Caroline's punk phase": I dyed my hair black and wore enormous black "tractor" shoes. Thinking about my life so far, I can clearly see that I have tried on many different personas because I was eagerly searching for myself. I was trying to find out who I was, what fit and where I felt at home. 

This is an extremely important part of life and I believe that "finding oneself" never ends.

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What's far more important than knowing WHAT you want? (find out inside)

What's far more important than knowing WHAT you want? (find out inside)

Hi beauties,

It is December 31st, 2013.

The last day of the year.

A turning point.

The verge of a fresh start.


A time of positive intentions, as of yet unfulfilled dreams, and big hope.

So often, we get asked to make choices in our lives. What do you want to do, buy, eat, drink, look at, watch, see, experience…? 

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Last minute holiday tip & why YOU are a fierce loving warrior!

Hello loves,

In the midst of all the holiday madness, I want to write you a quick note for 2 reasons:

First, I want to say a sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU.

During the holidays, I always go into a deep state of reflection and contemplation about my life. This year in particular, I am struck by how much has changed, how much has grown then proven useless, re-shaped, twisted and curled, flourished, deepened and then blossomed into something unexpected and subsequently, often (though not always!) morphed into something even more beautiful and grander than I dared to imagine.

2013 has been a huge year of learning

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5 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before The New Year [+ free holiday food guide

5 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before The New Year [+ free holiday food guide

Many of my clients come to me because they want to live a more conscious life. They want to be aware of their actions, thoughts, and feelings. They want to experience the beautiful parts of life more intensely and more joyfully and they want to know how they can manage and improve the not so fun parts.  

Personally, I think that this -the search for who you really are- is one of the most important quests anyone can go on. It elevates your existence. It makes you feel more alive. It changes everything. Literally. Your career, how you take care of your body, the way you invite love into your life, and the relationship you have with yourself.

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Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Want to live an abundant life? Here is how.

Hi Love,

A few weeks ago I asked for your help to identify your biggest struggles and your greatest desires.

For the latter question an overwhelming number of you responded with saying that you want to feel free, satisfied, alive, successful for simply being YOU, optimistic, happy, complete, connected, appreciated, loved, unburdened, peaceful...

As your responses were still flooding into my inbox, I took a walk and reflected on the underlying message of these desired feelings. I kept being struck by this sense that so many of us are living in fear that somehow there isn’t enough…enough time, love, money, good men, success stories, great jobs… we are deeply afraid that WE aren’t enough.

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Do you like your own body? 3 powerful ways to feel more beautiful.

Do you like your own body? 3 powerful ways to feel more beautiful.

I remember being a little girl standing on a stool in my mom’s bathroom and looking at my own reflection in the mirror. All I could see were ENORMOUS shoulders, so I asked my mom in my sweet little girl voice if I could get parts of them “hacked off” when I got older. Silly as it sounds, I was serious. I thought I needed them to be smaller.

This is the first memory I have of disliking my body and expressing the need to find some way to solve its “unpretty” parts. Clearly I wasn’t shying away from violent thoughts to “fix my body.” As I got older my body complaints and insecurities only grew both in number and urgency. It seemed like I had a special eye that would pick out everything that was possibly wrong and ignored everything that was right.

What’s your first memory of disliking your body? How old were you? Which part of your body did you attack and wanted to fix?

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The Power of Experiences (includes holiday special + pics from Hawaii :))

The Power of Experiences (includes holiday special + pics from Hawaii :))


Today I am writing to you from Maui. I am here with my whole family and we are having a blast playing and relaxing together.

However, the truth is that I wasn’t always as relaxed, easy-going, and lighthearted as I am today. There was a time in my life when I was constantly stressed out, worried, and on edge. The pure thought of running around at the beach in a bikini gave me anxiety, the idea of couples lounging at the beach together only made me more aware of my own lack of love in my life, and the whole idea of taking time off when I should be productive and furthering my career made me feel guilty and useless beyond measure.

So what changed me and the way I live my life today?

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Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

Find Your Voice Interview With "Laugh Yourself Skinny" Founder Jessica Procini

First of all, I want to express my most sincere GRATITUDE to all of you who responded to my email last week that asked you to share your biggest struggles and most desired solutions with me. It was beyond humbling and touching for me to receive so many responses that were filled with your authentic stories. I am so honored and grateful. Thank you!

In today’s blogpost, I want to share my November Find Your Voice Interview in which I am talking with Laugh Yourself Skinny Founder Jessica Porcini.

Personally, I have gone through years of dieting, banning certain foods while glorifying others, sneak-eating in the middle of the night because I had been trying to be “good” all day, and worst of all feeling unattractive, not thin enough, and helpless in my own body.

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Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Hi beauty,

I have a confession to make: I totally listen to other peoples’ conversations… on the subway, in a restaurant, on the street… you name it. I don’t do it intentionally. It just happens. I am interested in people, love interpreting body language, and yes, listen to what’s going on in their lives. Hence, my job as a coach.

A couple of days ago, I was on the subway and overheard two girls aged between 27-30 talking about how unhappy they were at their jobs. They talked about cattiness in their office and the fact that they feel totally under-appreciated. Then something interesting happened: They switched to talking about how they wished their lives were different: spend more time outside, make more money, not be stuck behind a computer all day long and so forth. Then they ended the conversation with “I just don’t know what to do.”

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How to use your feminine vitality to get your life on track

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”

― Steve Maraboli

Sometime people ask me why I focus my life-coaching on women and my answer always is “No, I don’t hate men (;)) I am just really passionate about helping women unlock their true selves, get in touch with their femininity, and create lives for themselves that they love - actively and now, instead of hoping for happy feelings to fall into place when everything else in life is all set and done.”

I also simply know what it’s like to be a woman and am familiar with the struggle of not feeling good enough/ ready enough/ pretty enough….. enough PERIOD. In my life, I have come across so many brilliant and beautiful women, who feel like they need to be perfect before they can be happy, enjoy their bodies, feel in charge of their own lives, and fall in love.

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Creating the INNER SPACE for real change to happen (includes an exercise!)

Beliefs are ideas and thoughts that we accept as truth. What we think about ourselves and the world becomes true for us. What we choose to believe can expand and enrich our world. Each day can be an exciting, joyous, hopeful experience, or a sorrowful, limiting, and painful one. Two people living in the same world, with the same set of circumstances, can experience life so differently. What can transport us from one world to another? I am convinced that it is our beliefs that do so. When we are willing to change our primary belief structures, then we may experience a true change in our lives.


This is what Louise Hay writes about creating change from the inside out. She writes about the inner space that we need to cultivate in order for real change to happen. She writes about our beliefs because it is our thoughts that ultimate create our feelings, which ultimately create our experience of our lives.

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Creating the PHYSICAL SPACE for real change to happen... and STICK!

As a life coach it is my mission to set women free to be who they are and do what they love -independently of external expectations and societal norms, because I believe that when women wake up to their own desires and their intrinsic power, and realize their dreams and callings, they will spread the kind of happiness that will be carried through generations to come.

The way I do this is by helping women make the changes they have been internally debating or “dreaming” about for years without getting paralyzed by overwhelm, self-doubt, or constant worrying.

Instead, I focus on supporting “my ladies” in creating a positive and nurturing relationship with themselves so they can feel clear, motivated to the core, and at ease about what they want and how to get it… now, not “later.”

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Do you feel like you are always running out of time? Read this.

Hello Sunshines,

Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I don’t have enough time to go to yoga/ eat mindfully/ go on a date/ have fun.”

“If I only had more time, I wouldn’t have this problem.”

“I hate always running late and rushing around, but that’s just how life is.”

Ahhh the good old struggle with time. I totally know what that feels like: constantly eyeing the clock, speed-walking, inhaling your food, checking your email and phone obsessively. I also

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Find Your Voice Interview with wellness coach Nadya Andreeva

Hi everybody,

As you are reading this, I am on my way to California. I am going on a weekend retreat to Sonoma with a bunch of other women. We are going to explore what it means to live free, embrace and dwell in our femininity, and connect with other like-minded women who want to love their lives fiercely. Plus, we will eat delicious food and sip the best of the best wine. I cannot wait.

While I am gone doing fun stuff and taking care of myself, I wanted to make sure that I take care of you as well. That’s why I am sending you my October Find Your Voice Interview today.

In this interview I am talking with Nadya Andreeva from Spinach and Yoga. If you have been following me for a while, you have probably already seen an interview with Nadya and know that listening to Nadya share her wisdom is like taking a vacation. Her energy is just so calm and gentle that you cannot help feeling nurtured and taken care of.

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Do you believe in miracles?

One of my favorite quotes is by my good old wise friend Albert Einstein. It goes like this:

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein

Which one do you chose?

There was a time in my life when I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself. I had to prove myself to the world (through things like: a body of a certain size, a career of a certain caliber, a perfect family and relationship, etc.), before I could feel proud, accomplished, and henceforth, happy.

I told myself that I had to earn feeling good. I lived as if nothing was a miracle and instead believed that unless I worked really (painfully) hard for something, it didn’t carry any worth.

Sound familiar?

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The missing link to TRUE self-care (I bet you have done this too!)

Hi beauty,

You know what I have noticed in literally ALL the women I am friends with as well as in ALL the women I get to work with in my 1-on-1 coaching?

They are all extremely kind, giving, nurturing, and loving women. They are all women with an active emotional life and a special sensitivity for when something feels off or imbalanced. They are women, who literally “feel” when someone else is not doing well and they are fierce defenders of those they love. They are women who want to jump in, fix, and lighten other people’s emotional burdens. They are all women, who we are so lucky to have in our lives.

If you are reading this, chances are that you are one of those women as well and I encourage you to read on.

A topic that has come up a lot lately (both privately and in the media), is the topic of self-care. 

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Overcoming Overwhelm: The 3 Secrets you must know to stay productive and happy this fall

Hello my ambitious ladies (& some gents!),

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, realizing you didn’t send in the rent check or forgot to get back to your best friend about dinner plans? And as you begin to mentally go through all of your to-do’s, you start to feel totally stressed out and overwhelmed?

A few hours later, you wake up to your shrieking alarm feeling drowsy and exhausted. Before you even brush your teeth, you grab your iphone to find your inbox flooded with work emails to respond to (ugh!). You have a knot in your stomach, skip your morning exercise class, scarf down lunch at your desk, and sip one coffee after another to make it through a busy day at work.

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If you want to feel light (I am NOT talking about weight)

This morning I walked out of my apartment in Brooklyn to go on a walk when I was hit by fresh, cooler, crisp autumn air. I felt my lungs expanding, my back straightening, my eyes squinting in the sunshine. While I was sucking in the air, my whole body suddenly felt so awake and alert. Then, a sense of giddiness literally showered me as I tucked my scarf into my jacket. I love fall (and scarves;))!  

While I was out walking, my mind began to wander and I thought about what feelings I want to feel more of this fall. The one clear answer I got was that I want to feel LIGHT. When I say “light,” I am not talking about my weight or my body. I am talking about my way of being in the world. I mean “light” in the sense of feeling carefree, full of trust, giddy, confident, playful and positive. (If this is something you resonate with but just feel too overwhelmed, I have a surprise for you this Thursday, so stay tuned!!!)

Then I thought about how this feeling of “light” would find expression in my tangible, real life. I pictured 

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How to start Saturday (& Sunday) mornings

Happy Saturday my lovely reader,

Phew… we are more than half way through September, can you believe it?!

In the last 2 weeks, I have been talking to you a lot about finding balance in your life, about boundaries, and about creating the space you need to lead a life that feels happy, free, and light. I have found this to be a particular important topic for women, because only when we feel happy, free, and light, can we connect with our authentic femininity and dwell in our own greatest power and potential.

Because I know how stressful this time of year can be, I wanted to send you a quick reminder to really use these fall weekends to fuel yourself –mind, body, spirit- in whatever way you need.

Ask yourself:

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