5 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before The New Year [+ free holiday food guide
/Many of my clients come to me because they want to live a more conscious life. They want to be aware of their actions, thoughts, and feelings. They want to experience the beautiful parts of life more intensely and more joyfully and they want to know how they can manage and improve the not so fun parts.
Personally, I think that this -the search for who you really are- is one of the most important quests anyone can go on. It elevates your existence. It makes you feel more alive. It changes everything. Literally. Your career, how you take care of your body, the way you invite love into your life, and the relationship you have with yourself.
In order for authentic change to happen and for you to become more of who you really are, you have to practice being aware and mindful of how certain decisions, people, situations, opportunities affect you. Unless you reflect and are willing to learn from your experiences, you are guaranteed to stunt yourself and your growth. On the other hand, if you are willing to peak underneath the surface and learn what works for you personally, the sky is the limit. I promise.
That is why I wrote out 5 powerful questions for you to reflect on. You can use them for your own reflection as well as for a joint reflection with those you love. If your loved ones can grow with you and elevate their lives along with you, the overall growth will tenfold. Dare to be the initiator.
In reflection of 2013: 1) What were situations that drained your energy. Be specific. What about these situations felt exhausting to you?
2) What has felt amazing to you this year? What are your top experiences and why? Were there certain people involved? Did you play a certain role (the leader, the visionary, the executor, the connector…)? What are the common factors?
Right now: 3) What are you grateful for? Take this question into different 3 directions: a) WHO are you most grateful for? b) WHAT are you most grateful for? c) WHICH part of YOURSELF are you most grateful for (characteristic, body part, skill…)?
Looking into 2014: 4) How do you want to feel? Go beyond just saying “happy” or “confident” or “successful” and get really specific. What do these feelings mean to you personally? Make this list as long as you want it to be and then re-read it and narrow it down to your top 5. (Personal recommendation: place them on your bathroom mirror or your computer… somewhere where you can see them daily. These are your feeling intentions.)
5) What specifically supports the feelings you identified in question #4? What experiences can you think of that make you feel these feelings? Find 3 for each feeling. Pencil these activities into your 2014 calendar.
Make the things that feel good to you a priority. Allow them to take up space and nourish you in ways that you need in order to be your best self. Learn from your past experiences. What are the big obvious messages? What are the subtle signs and more hidden notes?
Asking yourself these kinds of questions helps you take an inventory of how you are living your life, how you make choices, and what your authentic needs are.
Here is to your awareness and ultimately, your happiness!
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P.S.: Do you tend to struggle with food choices and over-stuffed bellies during the holidays? My good friend and Wellness Coach Nadya Andreeva from Spinach and Yoga has a gift for you: The Happy Belly Holiday Guide. Please note that this is a GUIDE, not a book full of rules and restrictions. Nadya and I share the belief that rules and restrictions aren't fun, joyful, or even effective! Instead we both take a loving and curious stands to health and well-being that supports you in finding out what works for you and what doesn't. That's what authentic empowerment is all about: knowing yourself and making choices that support your unique constitution!