Why I am so grateful & 5 rituals I ALWAYS follow to feel fantastic in my skin

You know how sometimes you have these moments -almost like an awakening- where all of a sudden you feel crystal clear and showered with gratitude for all the things you have been given in your life?

That's what happened to me this past weekend at the wedding of one of my "sisters" (check out the pic below). Technically I "only" have brothers, but when I came to the U.S. as an exchange student in high school, I lived with the most amazing family, whose warmth and love continues to radiate through my life (& majorely helped me to get over my homesickness in the beginning) . Last weekend -at the wedding of their oldest daughters- I felt so incredibly grateful to have been given the gift of an ever growing family in my life. 


In this spirit of gratitude, I want to invite you to take a moment and think about who you are grateful to have in your life. Never forget to honor their presence in your life.


But now, on to today's post: 

5 Rituals I ALWAYS Follow To Feel Fantastic In My Skin


I am a big believer in rituals. I love them and I tend to have many that continuously morph and evolve into new and different rituals. My rituals grow WITH me so to speak. They are fluid and alive.

The reason I love rituals so much is because I truly believe that it is the things we do consistently that define the outcome of our life: how happy we are, how successful we are, how much we love and give to others, and of course how much we get back in return.

It is impossible to live in alignment with your purpose without having some solid rituals that will get and keep you on point.

I have also repeatedly found that rituals help you to feel good in your own skin and in your own body and in today’s post I will share the 5 things I literally ALWAYS (like every single day!) follow that undoubtedly support me in feeling well in my own skin.

As you will see, I don’t think rituals have to be these big, grand, or complicated things. For me, it’s in the simple things that I do consciously for ME.

Anything that you dedicate your full attention, focus, and love to is a form of meditation and will have a positive effect on your mind and body. When you are in a state of positivity and self-respect, everything in life can start to blossom as well.

So here are the 5 things that work well for ME. My hope is that they will inspire you to find some rituals of your own that are easy, do-able, and have a positive influence for YOU. You gotta do what works for you!

The trick when it comes to turning something from “just doing something” into a “ritual” is a question of focus, attention, and intention. Those are the agents of change.

1. I never go to sleep without washing my face and gently rubbing oils on my face, neck, and upper chest. I literally cannot sleep unless I take my time at night to wash the busyness of my day off of my face. Afterwards I feel much calmer, cleaner, clearer and ready for bedtime and dreamland. To me there is something secret about taking care of my skin -our biggest organ!- that serves as a protective layer between what’s inside and what’s outside -physically, but also emotionally (kind of weird to think about, I know!).

2. I thoughtfully prepare my meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the USDA both recommend at least 5 servings per day, but to be honest, I probably eat more like 7 servings per day. Besides loving food and having a genuine interest in nutrition and mindfulness, I think fruits and veggies taste delicious and makes me feel so good inside and out. For example, I love berries or watermelon in the morning, lots of greens along with my lunch, fruit or veggie snacks, and roasted vegetables or a salad along with dinner. Even when I travel, I make sure I find a store where I can stock up on apples, because they are easy to carry around. Getting enough vitamins and fiber is the foundation for a healthy body, great digestion, glowing skin, and lots of energy. If the fuel you put into your body is crappy, you cannot expect yourself to drive like a luxury vehicle ;)

3. I always have a big glass of water next to me so I can make sure I drink lots of fluids: water mixed with lemon, aloe vera juice, cucumber, or sometimes apple cider vinegar, warm teas, occasionally a coconut water. I avoid drinking anything with lots of sugar and definitely never consume artificial sweeteners, coloring/dyes, additives, or anything really that has ingredients I cannot pronounce. I imagine how the fresh water is literally flushing through my body cleansing me from unnecessary toxins and bringing my body into a more alkaline state (most of us have bodies that are too acidic). This keeps me feeling fresh and clear all day.

4. I move my breathe and my body every day. That doesn’t mean I work out and sweat like a mad woman on the treadmill daily. No no no! Most days I simply go on walks and do gentle exercises at home. Depending on the day and weather outside, I switch it up between walks, bike rides, running, exercises around the track, occasionally pilates. I try to focus on what my body wants to do. The reason I started doing this is because it keeps my back healthy and strong. After going through surgery in 2009 nothing -no physical therapy, no doctor visit, no nothing- has helped me stay pain-free as much as consistent movement. When I move my body it’s my time to soak up life in the form of air and sometimes new information through podcasts and Ted talks.

5. I put on a little bit of blush. Since I work from home I typically don’t wear a lot of make-up during the week. However, I love adding a little rose blush on the apples of my cheeks. It makes me feel pretty, glowy, feminine, and playful. It’s also my time to look into the mirror and be nice to myself, see my beauty, and encourage myself to step out into life and offer what I have to give full-heartedly.

You see, your rituals don’t have to be complicated, long, or grand. They can be super simple and easy. All you need is your focus and attention (and a little imagination ;)).

Now, I’d love to hear from you: what rituals do you have (or would like to acquire!!!) in order to feel fantastic in your own skin? Let me know in the comments below.
