Why losing weight is so hard & what will make it easier (time-sensitive)

Let’s be honest, most of us have at one point or another thought about our weight, wished that our thighs were slimmer, our butt a bit tighter and our abs a little flatter. OH MY! I have been there and know that looking at your body and feeling upset, embarrassed, or trapped is neither fun nor nurturing for any area of your life (your romantic life in particular).

I started to wonder why losing weight is soooo hard (and I am not talking about dropping 10 pounds quickly, I am talking about lasting results). It seemingly is what so many of us want, what so many of us spend tons and tons of money on, what so many of us wish we finally had control over. If so much energy, time, and money go to into this, why is it still so difficult?

Here is what I came to find out: Because we take losing weight so serious and that makes us rigid, inflexible, and stuck up, so unconsciously we take every opportunity to get out. I believe that we -as humans in general- naturally want to be free, have fun, and feel loved.

When we are trying to lose weight and run ourselves ragged while counting calories and feeling hungry non-stop, we are certainly not in a state of freedom, generosity, and self-love. Therefore, our typical approaches to weight loss aren’t sustainable and hence, end in frustration, self-doubt, and disappointment.

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A few years ago I was constantly trying to lose weight, eat more salads, work-out harder, cut out a little bit there and a little bit here… I was more like an evil drill-sergeant than a kind teacher. The result was that I was constantly flip-flopping between restriction and over-eating. I was either starving or too full and had no idea what people meant by “satisfied.”

I had to learn to loosen up and have fun with the process. I had to feel my body, get to know it, and think of exercise and food as nourishing foundations that are fun to play with instead of potential body and weight hazards.

Most of all, I had to learn how to let go, have a good time, and not compartmentalize everything into "good" or "bad" behavior. The fuller and more fun my life, the less strong my cravings became (NOTE: I’m not saying I never have cravings anymore. That would be a total lie. I love me some chocolate! However, that’s also not the point! The point is that these occasional cravings don’t dominate my life anymore. I’m not “being good” or “being bad” and therefore I can create sustainable, long-term changes.)

So in this spirit, one of my new mantras is  “nothing’s worth doing unless it’s fun,” which brings me to introducing you to my friend Jessica Procini, who shared this mantra with me to begin with. Jess specializes on dumping dieting and having a freakin’ blast while losing weight.  Jess has an amazing LIVE spreecast coming up on Wednesday, February 5th (TOMORROW) at 7pm EST/ 4pm PST, during which she’s going to show us some really fun and practical ways to amp up slimming down without starving ourselves. To get your private invite, click here to sign up and Jess will send you all the details.

I have a feeling that this will be a really fun call:)

With love,
