Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

Why I am so giddy... (I made something for YOU)

I have had something special up my sleeve for a while now and I am just OVER THE MOON EXCITED to finally tell you about it today: My first group coaching program is opening it’s doors for YOU today!

It’s called The Busy Girl’s 6-Week Plan To Balance And Fulfillment and I’d love it if you want take a few minutes to check it out and see if this is something that calls your name.

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The art of ZOOMING OUT. Releasing stress & anxiety with this simple visualization

The art of ZOOMING OUT. Releasing stress & anxiety with this simple visualization

I consider myself being pretty good about taking good care of myself and managing my stress levels in a way that leaves me feeling energized and happy at the end of the day. However, I am no genius either and sometimes I do get sucked into these vicious cycles of rushing-hustling-worrying-stressing-shallow breathing-tensing up messiness that feels good to absolutely nobody.

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This question threw me off (I was really surprised it did!)

I spent last week with 20 amazing women, who are also in the entrepreneurial world, in a beautiful house in Vermont. We cooked amazing meals together, exchanged our life stories, shared our dreams for 2014, worked away on our computers to keep the juices in our individual businesses running smoothly, went on walks through the snow, skied, and had a totally goofy talent show (way to step out of my comfort zone). It was amazing and inspiring to be surrounded by women who are also pouring their time, energy, money, and trust into creating their soul’s work.


I believe that surrounding yourself with people who share your vision, inspire new ideas, and motivate you through the challenges that seem toughest is the very first -and most powerful- step in actively creating a life you love. It’s even greater if

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