What do your love life, career, and fertility have in common? (+ a special invite)

Hi love,

Last Thursday I officially started my maternity leave and now I am just waiting for my little man to arrive into this beautiful world.

It’s still all so surreal to me. I know that I have a human in my belly (trust me, his strong, cheeky kicks make sure I don’t forget ;)), but I still don’t completely “get it.” Most of my new-mom friends say the same thing: it’s not real until your baby is actually in your arms. I cannot wait.

Apparently, I am not the only one who continues to be surprised that we are having a baby any day now.

<<<<< Check out my husband on yesterday's hike :)


Today, I want to talk to you about three topics that are super close to my heart: your love life, your career, and your fertility. (*make sure you read to the end, because I have a special invite for you, esp. if you know you want to be a mom -or dad- some time in the future!)

Think these three topics have nothing in common? Think again.

Here is the deal: From my own experience as well as from coaching countless women over the last years, I know that whatever you desire to create in your life, it has to start from within YOU first.

Here is what I mean:

If you want to invite an epic love life, you have to create a loving, self-honoring relationship with yourself first.

If you want to have a career that truly fulfills you, you have to first get clear on your own inner desires, strengths, and passions.

If you want to truly optimize your fertility, you have to create emotional harmony internally -or what I like to call a fertile inner landscape.

Of course, I am not saying that you don’t have to actually go on dates, apply for jobs, or get your hormones balanced. These structural, external things play an important role too!

BUT, I am also suggesting that when things are stagnant or simply are not working, the way out of your stuckness often isn’t about doing more/ working harder/ sacrificing yourself more, but it’s actually about tuning in closer to your inner voice and working on your relationship with yourself.

It is from this inner place that opportunity, clarity, and ultimately fulfillment arise and stay!

I cannot tell you how often I see women who are extremely hard on themselves, perfectionistic to the nth degree, and try to force something that simply doesn’t want to working. Burn out, loneliness, frustration, and confusion are just around the corner.

It is my goal to help you see and try out a different approach: one that is based on self-awareness, kindness, positivity and trust that whatever you desire in your life is, in fact, possible for you!

A friend of mine said it perfectly over lunch a few days ago:

“We think we have all of these problems, but we really only have one: figuring out our relationship with ourselves.”


When we are out of alignment with our true Self, life gets stuck:

→ We are not actually receptive to love even though we desire it.

→ We don’t feel confident about our own authentic strengths and skills so our professional path stays blurry.

→ We are out of touch with our own bodies making our fertility a topic that feels confusing and out of our control.

So here are questions I want to encourage you to explore: What’s your relationship with yourself like? Do you like who you are? Do you believe that what you desire is possible for you? What’s your relationship like with your own love life, your career, your fertility (or your menstrual cycle)?

Lastly, before I close today’s post, I have a very special invite for you:

If taking a holistic approach to your fertility is a topic that interests you or if you know that you want to have a baby in the future, I want to invite you to join a very special FREE summit by my colleague Elisabeth Manning, Founder of Fertile Living Co. called Conscious Conception Telesummit: Bridging the Science, Spirit and Art of a Fertile Life to Awaken Your Divine Human Potential.

I am incredibly honored to have been invited to be one of the 24 selected speakers on her world summit. Elisabeth asked me to share my conception story as well as my top 5 guidelines for how to make your conception (and pregnancy) blissful and fulfilling.

Besides myself, you will also hear from renowned experts like Bernie Siegel, Bruce Lipton, Lissa Rankin and Sonia Choquette as well as other top experts in the areas of fertility, mindfulness, relationships, self love, nutritional health and more. Sign up for your free spot here.

Some of the amazing things you can expect to hear about:

  • Not just the scientific, but the debilitating emotional issues that can block our creative & conception potential.      

  • How to begin seeing the magic inside your journey as more than baby making but a spiritual path as well.

  • How and why conscious conception makes us better parents and contributes to the creation of a “super child.”

  • Why we must reach beyond the quality of our eggs and into the quality of our life.

  • That conception should be (and can be) aligned and effortless, without force or struggle.

If you or someone you love is affected by infertility, or just wants to align with the best possible path along the babymaking journey, I really suggest you to listen in. It is a FREE event with truly excellent resources.

Hope to see you there.

