Super special opportunity to finally create the life you want & save $ (April ONLY!)

First off, since so many of your asked, a little update on my pregnancy: Last Sunday, we hit the 33-week mark and I am still feeling wonderful, especially since the weather is finally getting nicer and I don't have to squeeze myself into my puffy winter coat (it got a little tight in there ;))

As you can see in the picture, we picked up our stroller (have you ever seen a prouder Papa-to-be?!) and my belly is now undeniably a watermelon shape growing at the speed of light.

These final weeks of pregnancy are all about fattening up the little man (& the mama;)) so he can enter the world as a healthy, happy, resilient baby. 

Through all of the changes in the last few weeks, I continue to come back to fostering a strong & focused yet kind & loving mindset towards myself.

A strong, loving relationship with yourself is the underlying foundation for everything: how you nourish yourself, how you handle unpredictability and uncertainty, how you invite abundance, goodness, and love into your life.

Pregnancy is just re-confirming everything I already believed on a deeper and more profound level... reminding me that we are always a work in progress and that life doesn't have a destination. It's teaching me to be more present and trusting. 

As you know, helping women create this kind of relationship with themselves is at the very core of my purpose as a coach, as a woman and as a soon to be mom, so I'm excited to share some pretty awesome news with you below, so keep reading. 

(This is especially for those of you who want to create a strong & focused yet kind & loving mindset as well :))

A few weeks ago, The Busy Girl's 6-Week Plan To Balance & Fulfillment wrapped for the 3rd time and I have to be honest, I just continue to be in awe of the women in this course and the kinds of shifts and changes they were able to create within 6 short weeks.

One of the women from our group, Katie, said: 

"I came into the course feeling very lost, alone and overwhelmed. Limited beliefs and negative self-talk had taken over and I was at a very low point.
At the beginning of the course, I had a major breakthrough when I realized how much my own limiting beliefs were actually holding me back and I now know that self-love and boundaries are essential to a great life, not selfish.
I have noticed so many changes and so have the people around me. In general, I feel lighter, happier and more peaceful. My confidence has gone up, I'm excelling at work and I am genuinely enjoying my life again. I feel this surge of power that I can take on whatever I want. I've become a better friend and daughter. I make time for myself to stop, enjoy and appreciate life and it's making all the difference." ~Katie, Fitness Trainer, CA

Amazing, isn't it? And this is only the beginning... these shifts and changes will continue to happen on ever bigger scales going forward.

Why? Because these women now have the tools they need to make decisions and live their lives from a place of authentic confidence, self-love, and clear goals that they know they can and want to reach.

This is huge, because 

1. our foundation -the very soil we grow from- has to be fertile, positive, and supportive of your true self, and

2. the direction -the path we desire- has to be clear and achievable. Otherwise, we will forever remain stuck, fighting ourselves. 

So, why am I telling you all of this?

Over the last weeks, I received A LOT of emails from many of you asking me when The Busy Girl course will be offered again. However, since I am expecting a baby boy in early June, I don't know when and if the course will be offered again. 

(As a soon-to-be first-time mom, I really have no idea what's coming, so in the name of self-care, I will give myself the gift of time to figure it out).

Then, one woman asked me if I would consider offering the course in a self-study format and I immediately LOVED that idea. How had I not thought of that myself?!

It's my honor to present: 

The self-study course will give each of you the opportunity to take the course at your own pace; no rushing or catching up. And although there won't be any live Q&A calls with me, you will still have access to our amazing facebook group where you can share your successes and AHA moments as well as ask for guidance and support from me and the other women. 

Another huge bonus of offering the course as a self-study program is that I am able to offer the course at a lower rate (instead of $475, it's now $375).

And not only that, if you sign up by Thursday, April 30th 
you can take advantage of the
Self-Study Launch Celebration Special 
and get the course for a sharp $299.

-simply use coupon code April2015 at check out- 

Sweet, right? 

(*note: this is a one-time discount only and will expire on April 30th for good.)

If you want to take this special opportunity and/or refresh your memory of what The Busy Girl is all about, you can read all about it here + read other women's stories of turning their lives around.

I cannot emphasize enough how much this course will open up your life IF you are honestly ready to take a good look, change the way you see yourself, and feel committed to creating an amazing life!

All the lectures, exercises, expert interviews and bonus materials are designed to give you a very deep understanding of yourself and help you identify what exactly has to change and how you can do that. 

I'd genuinely love for you to take charge of your life, really learn to love who you are, and as a result feel better in your own body (& life) than ever before, have a career you truly adore, and relationships that deeply fulfill you. 

What do you say? Are you in?

Like I said, this opportunity will expire by April 30th, so take action and enter coupon code April2015 at check-out so save some money.

Sign up here. 

Here is to your Balance & Fulfillment.
