Are you listening to your intuition?
/I just got back home to Brooklyn off of a redeye flight from LAX to JFK. I was on the West Coast celebrating the bachelorette party of my friend Meghan, who was my very first friend in the U.S. when I arrived at age 17. The weekend was amazing and so special. I had such a blast and felt so inspired and full of ideas that I stumbled through the door, dropped my bag on the floor, kicked off my shoes, picked up my laptop and started writing. This week I wanna talk to you about something I am super passionate about: your intuition and how important it is to get in touch with it.
Have you ever had a moment in your life when you knew on a gut-level that something was off but since you couldn’t rationalize these intuitive doubts, you overruled them and ended up in a sticky situation? I certainly have.
The thing is this: getting in touch with our intuition can be tricky if we are used to figuring things out using reason predominantly. It takes active engagement and consistent, gentle practice before you can freely trust your intuition and act on it confidently. But, let me tell you, it is so so worth it.
Here is what my life looked like before I actively chose to tune in and trust my intuition:
- I tried all kinds of diets that promised a flat-belly and weight loss in record time. Obviously I never had long lasting results or, not to mention, any sense of feeling more beautiful.
- I dated people who looked great on paper but didn’t make me laugh.
- I had the illusion that my pursuit for a degree from an renowned university was the key to not only professional success, but to happiness.
Needless to say, during this time I was constantly hangry (hungry + angry), exhausted, frustrated, single and confused about why, and creatively stunted to the nines.
My choices were made from the neck up.
However, intuition lives in the body and I had been silencing it for quite a while. Reason and logic were all I was able to listen to and give credit to.
Then I learned through a series of missteps and subsequent further confusions that the best choices are made when both –reason and intuition- are combined and brought into communication.
This is what mind-body work and masculine-feminine energy balancing is all about.
So, here is what my life looks like today, after I started to get in touch with my intuition:
- I am eating foods that truly nourish me and make me feel good (goodbye to non-fat products, fake sugars, and processed foods). I lost weight, have tons more physical and mental energy, and have way less cravings. Of course, I have days when I misstep too, but generally there is a sense of peaceful alignement.
- I started to selectively invite people into my life who are inspiring, loving, and full of life in the real world. Shortly thereafter, I met Raz, my boyfriend of almost three years now, and whom I could have never described on paper.
- I pursued a career in a field that I was relentlessly researching every free second I had but formerly didn’t think was a reasonable possibility for me.
Getting in touch with my intuition and acting on the signals that my body was sending me was one of the biggest things I have ever done for myself.
It is more than a simple self-care principle. It is your route to happiness and fulfillment.
Here are some questions for you to consider and help you listen to your intuition:
1) How do your every day tasks feel to you on a gut level? Do you get a sense of fulfillment out of the value you are adding to your work?
2) When it comes to relationships, are you with people who make you feel good? Do they bring out the best in you and you in them? Does your romantic partner help you in feeling free, light, and happy?
3) Are you eating foods with your mind or your body? Does the food you choose support your body to function at its best? Our bodies are these magnificent organisms that are designed to function smoothly and be alive in every sense of the word. It’s simply our job not to disrupt our body’s natural function with fake, processed foods and damaging, stressful lifestyle choices, but to lovingly support and nurture it.
I would love to encourage you with this blogpost to start communicating with your intuition and hearing it a little bit more step-by-step. I am still actively working on this every day, so take it easy and approach it with a playful mind. I cannot tell you how exhilarating it feels when you decisions start to flow out of your whole self –mind and intuition on board!
In the comments below, tell me when and in what circumstances you are struggling with following your intuition.
If you are in NYC and you feel like diving into this topic deeper, come join me tonight for the 3rd session of my workshop “Decision-making made easy and fun.” Tonight’s topic will be: Tuning in. How to access your intuition? Making happiness a priority. We are meeting from 6:30-8pm at Atmananda Yoga at 67 Irving Place, 2nd Floor. More info here.
Click here and let me know if you want to join.
PS: Every month I am giving away 3 1-hour Strategy Session. Email me to win yours and let me know what you are currently struggling with. I would love to connect with you!
Check out other fun, inspirational, and love-filled blog posts here!