The Truth About Success.

When I was starting my life coaching business in 2012, I thought I was going to create a website, press ‘live’ and people would just come and find me, because now I had a presence on the internet.

Ohhh boy, was I wrong.

Fast-forward 1.5 years to today and I have a much clearer idea for how the creation of success actually goes down -though, by no means, do I know it all. I am still actively learning every day, every moment. I’m still expanding in my ideas and ideals. I’m still dreaming, growing, working, realizing, emerging, failing, and getting up again. And yes, sometimes I still feel like crying because technology and printers can be stubborn suckers.

I have realized however that it will always be like that. The second I stop evolving, my daily work won’t be my soul’s work anymore.

Today, I want to be totally honest with you and just tell you that realizing your professional and personal dreams as well as your creative ambitions, isn’t a piece of cake… at least not typically and not for most of us. Yes, there are those ravishing stories of overnight success, but I really want you to know that those are the rare ones.

The exception.

NOT the norm.

The reason I want to emphasize this is because oftentimes those overnight success stories get a ton of press and noise, which then makes it easy for us to believe that that’s a frequent occurrence and how things should be. On the contrary we feel like failures if we don’t “take off at our first try.” We feel frustrated, de-motivated, and like we are wasting precious time if we don’t make it to the top quickly.

What’s wrong with me?

Especially at the early stages of my business (after I realized that creating a successful business requires more than a simple website ;)), I would look at other people in my industry and wonder if I was ever going to make it? If I had what it takes? If I should just give up now before wasting more time, money, and energy?

Then I realized something very important on a visceral level. I say VISCERAL because I had heard this many times before, but hadn’t truly absorbed it or applied to myself.

The difference between people who make it and people who don’t is simple:

People who realize their dreams might doubt themselves, but they don’t give up.

They might take a long time and not feel satisfied with their output, but they keep moving forward anyways.

They can handle the discomfort and they can have off-days, but they still do what needs to be done because their primary commitment is to themselves and to their passion.

Their primary commitment is NOT to the easiest way.

It is NOT to never feeling discomfort.

It is NOT to being safe at the cost of their dreams.

To really get to the juicy core of this and understand what I mean, I highly recommend you watch this 2 minute GENIUS video by Ira Glass. It is amazing. Trust me. I have watched it at least 10 times over the last week since my friend Kayti sent it to me. I wish I had seen this earlier. Watch it NOW. I promise you will LOVE it :)

​In the comments below, let me know what you think? Did you like the video? What are you inspired to do, start, initiate, realize? Take the first step and share you dreams in the comments below.