The Truth About Success.

The Truth About Success.

When I was starting my life coaching business in 2012, I thought I was going to create a website, press ‘live’ and people would just come and find me, because now I had a presence on the internet.

Ohhh boy, was I wrong.

Fast-forward 1.5 years to today and I have a much clearer idea for how the creation of success actually goes down -though, by no means, do I know it all. I am still actively learning every day, every moment. I’m still expanding in my ideas and ideals. I’m still dreaming, growing, working, realizing, emerging, failing, and getting up again. And yes, sometimes I still feel like crying because technology and printers can be stubborn suckers.

I have realized however that it will always be like that. The second I stop evolving, my daily work won’t be my soul’s work anymore.

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