How to believe in yourself: 3 areas you need to look into

How to believe in yourself: 3 areas you need to look into

A few weeks ago I got an email from a woman who wrote “I want to walk in the true ME. I want to love freely and give freely in all that I am so I can help others and actually enjoy my life. The problem is that I know I am able but I can’t seem to believe enough in myself to really go out there and achieve it.”

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Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Why you need to stop looking for your dream relationship

Last night I was talking to one of my best girlfriends from CA. She just moved in with her boyfriend and is about to celebrate their 1-year anniversary. We were reminiscing about the time when we were both single and felt like finding the right guy was pretty much impossible. It seems like ages ago but really it's only about 4-5 years back. Between the two of us we could probably entertain a crowd for a whole evening of just telling our various experiences and pitfalls on the dates we had. Oh my...

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Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Do you trust yourself and your decisions

Hi beauty,

I have a confession to make: I totally listen to other peoples’ conversations… on the subway, in a restaurant, on the street… you name it. I don’t do it intentionally. It just happens. I am interested in people, love interpreting body language, and yes, listen to what’s going on in their lives. Hence, my job as a coach.

A couple of days ago, I was on the subway and overheard two girls aged between 27-30 talking about how unhappy they were at their jobs. They talked about cattiness in their office and the fact that they feel totally under-appreciated. Then something interesting happened: They switched to talking about how they wished their lives were different: spend more time outside, make more money, not be stuck behind a computer all day long and so forth. Then they ended the conversation with “I just don’t know what to do.”

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