10 things you never thought you could do. Here are mine.

10 things you never thought you could do. Here are mine.

When you are pushing against your own comfort zone, want to expand, and see new opportunities (or just gain a little confidence), it’s a good idea to do a bit of reflecting to see when and where you have surprised yourself in the past. Trust me, we all have!

Especially in times of growth and expansion into unknown territory, it’s easy to get caught up in self-limiting and doubtful inner dialogue. 

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Are you learning the lessons from your past life chapters? It’s never too late. Start now.

I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day and if you are a mommy yourself, happy Mother’s Day to you. You rock <3 I spent last weekend in North Carolina for my brother’s graduation from his MBA program (I’m such a proud older sis, it’s unbelievable:)), so I got to spend some time with my family, including my mom, dad, and aunt who flew in from Europe to celebrate my brother. It was really sweet and fun!

On my flight back to NYC, I began thinking about life chapters: graduations, marriages, career shifts, break-ups, moves, spiritual milestones… the list is really endless. 

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How to be the strong kind of "feminine"

How to be the strong kind of "feminine"

One of the questions I ask my female clients is how they feel about their femininity. When I came up with that question (which is part of our initial VIP session) I had no idea what kind of confusion and split reactions I would cause.

Now, I am not one to intentionally stir a big fire, but this question is a really important one.

Here is what happens next: 99.9% say “What do you mean by femininity?”

And I get it. When we think of “femininity,” our minds flood with thousands of conflicting images that have been created by our

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