What would life be like if you were "there" already? [try this for one day!]


What if you were already the best possible version of yourself?

What if you were enough and more already? 

What if you were exactly where you need to be in your life right now?

What if your body was perfectly beautiful the way it is and you felt 100% comfortable in it? 

How would that feel? 

How would your life be different?

How would you treat yourself differently?



The reason I am proposing these questions today is because the belief that we are not “there” yet no matter what we have done already is so prevalent in our society. We are constantly “behind” and are therefore chronically catching-up.


The thing is, that as soon as we have gotten just a bit closer to that ideal future outcome, that ideal future outcome –sneaky as it is- adjusts and molds into something new, a little more advanced. The distance between where you are now and where you want to be never shrinks.

This is not always a bad thing. After all forward thinking keeps us going. It inspires us. It keeps us engaged. It gives us a goal and a purpose. If done correctly, it provides a powerful positive pull for us. However, if we allow the thought of not having achieved the ultimate objective yet to become personal and determinant of our essence and worthiness as human beings, we are setting ourselves up for unhappiness.


I want to challenge you to try living for one day as if you -in your essence- were exactly where you want to be in your life.

For one whole day this week, get ready in the morning and walk out your door as if you had a job that you felt amazing about; as if you had the most beautiful body and the brightest smile; as if you had the most loving relationship (or) as if you had the most fun dates lined up; as if the universe had your back 100%.


What would you wear to work if you felt accomplished, well respected, and got tons of acknowledgement? How would you hold you body if you felt sexy and confident? How would you talk to the barista at your favorite coffee shop if you were convinced that your interactions are filled with positivity? Observe how you feel differently. Notice how people react to you when you walk in the image of your best possible self. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself when you allow yourself to live on the bright side of your life.


The thing is this: we all have great plans for our lives and things we want more of, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot feel blissed out, confident, beautiful, and loved along the way. Every stage of your life is a step AND a goal. And that includes where you are right now.

You don’t have to put “feeling good” on hold for the future.


In the comments below, I would love to hear what you would do differently if you lived in the embodied version of a confident, completely love-worthy, accomplished, life-loving YOU.


If you feel fired up and want to dive deeper into this self-exploration, I have two great opportunities for you:

1) As things have calmed down a bit after my website launch, I am now super psyched to get back to doing what I truly love: working with brilliant women who want to catapult their lives into freedom, self-love, and genuine authenticity. All three of my programs are carefully designed to be the most revealing, fun, and revolutionary personal experiences that will meet you exactly where you are. Find out more about my programs here: Straight-up Goal Setting (5-session), Authentically Yourself (6-session), and my signature program Find Your Voice and Speak With It, Too (10-session). Feeling uncertain? Check out what others have said about my programs here.

Anger, Sadness, Joy Bodymaps

2) I would love to invite you to my Bodymapping workshop on Tuesday, March 26th. I literally cannot wait to share this workshop with you because mind-body work has done tremendous things for me in terms of understanding and loving myself wholly. Once I got on board with my own life, literally everything opened up and fell into place.


In this workshop, we will take an artistic-creative approach to explore how your body experiences your relationships. This can be your romantic relationship, your friendships, your family, your relationship with yourself, or even your relationship with food, work, or your health. It’s totally up to you! Find out more here and sign up soon before the workshop is full. I only have 6 spots left, so space is limited!